
The GEF Secretariat is seeking to retain a consulting firm or a not-for-profit organization to prepare a study and assessment on the processes and policies of the Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund secretariats.

This study will contribute to the Long-Term Vision on Complementarity, Coherence, and Collaboration (LTV) between the GEF and the GCF, which builds on a joint engagement since 2018 between the operating entities of the financial mechanism of the UNFCCC.

The task consists of providing a thorough analysis of processes and policies of both funds to identify recommendations to support complementarity and coherence and assist developing countries and partners generate long-lasting results in climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Interested firms are invited to answer the request for Expressions of Interest by July 22 through the World Bank Group eConsultant2 website, at the following address:

Under the ‘’Business Opportunities’ tab, look for Selection #1281733 - Study - Processes and Policies of the GEF and the GCF. A Comparative Analysis to Foster Complementarity and Coherence. Details on the assignment and submission requirements are only available on the website.