
The Global Environment Facility has been supporting the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) national reporting process through the funding of so-called enabling activity projects since 2010 throughout the GEF-5, GEF-6, and GEF-7 funding cycles. UNCCD COP14 invited the GEF to continue supporting Parties to meet their reporting obligations under the Convention and to provide adequate financial resources in a timely manner. In response, the GEF will continue its support in the current GEF-8 funding cycle.

Funding support available in GEF-8 is $120,000 per eligible country, inclusive of GEF agency fees. The funding can be made available two years prior to the 2026 reporting deadlines to allow Parties’ reporting to the UNCCD to have sufficient time to collect and analyze the necessary data and prepare their national reports.

The objective of this announcement is to inform parties of the support options offered and the application process to facilitate access to resources in an efficient and timely manner.

Further details of the arrangements are in the attached document.