DateSeptember 2-13, 2019
New Delhi



The 14th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) was held in New Delhi, India from September 2-13.

As a financial mechanism of the convention, the GEF was represented by a delegation led by the CEO Naoko Ishii and actively engaged in discussions and events, presenting its report to the COP and its latest efforts in line with GEF-7 to tackle land degradation and desertification in an integrated, systemic approach.

The theme of the COP was “Restore land, sustain future” with a focus on achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) globally, in line with target 15.3 of the SDGs.

GEF at Rio Pavilion

The GEF is a founder and active partner of the Rio Conventions Pavilion (RCP), a vibrant space for interactive all-day events and meetings, which focus exclusively on synergies among the Rio Conventions on Climate Change, Biological Diversity and Desertification.


Location: Hall 5, MET 11

  • Thursday, 5 September 2019 - Evening Reception 

Transformational Change in practice: Where are we coming from? Where we are going to?

(English, with interpretations in French and Spanish)


The GEF and its partners are calling for transformational change in food, urban, and energy systems. Such transformation requires investments with greater impact, integration, innovation, sustainability, and scaling effects.

What do we mean by transformational change? What does it mean in practice for programs, projects, agencies, and countries that combat land degradation? What are the different elements of this concept? Are we applying the concept the right way? How does it diffe from past efforts? Do all stakeholders agree with the terms and the way forward?

At GEF Day, countries and key stakeholders involved in GEF initiatives and programs will begin to answer these questions by sharing their views on how to achieve transformational change.

The session will address the following topics:

  • The notion of transformation, highlighting its different elements;
  • The role of multiple stakeholder platforms at global, regional, national, and local levels;
  • The perspective from the business sector;
  • The ways to include scaling, replication, and catalytic effects in program and project design;
  • The importance of effective and sustainable stakeholder involvement for sustainability.

A Q&A session will close the session to create a common understanding of the concept and help make it operational.

10:00am - 11:30am (English, with interpretations in French and Spanish)


The purpose of this event will be to share the key findings of the Global Commission on Adaptation’s report, raise the awareness of climate adaptation, and build on the momentum of UNCCD COP14 to amplify key messages. It is also an opportunity to highlight adaptation challenges and solutions from leaders.

The event will be hosted by the Global Commission, in partnership with the Global Environmental Facility (GEF). Ministers, and high-level representatives from the Indian government, GEF, World Resources Institute, and other leaders are expected to participate.

The Global Commission on Adaptation is led by Ban Ki-moon, Bill Gates, and Kristalina Georgieva, to raise the political profile of adaptation and inspire action. Composed of more than 30 Commissioners and 19 convening countries, the Commission brings together leaders from political, business, multilateral, and scientific worlds. It aims to catalyze action and partnerships to help vulnerable countries and communities become more resilient, tackle extreme poverty, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The Commission is co-managed by World Resources Institute and the Global Center on Adaptation.

GEF Side Event 1

GEF-7 and LDN Implementation Support: Turning Plans into Action

MET 13
GEF Side Event 2

Partnerships in Practice: Sustainable Agriculture in the Sub-Saharan Region

MET 09

This event was co-hosted by SOS Sahel and the GEF Small Grants Programme implemented by UNDP

GEF Side Event 3

Financing and Setting-up Enabling Activities for UNCCD under GEF-7

MET 15