DateApril 24, 2024
12:30-14:00 EDT
Virtual and Washington, DC

The role of science in supporting decision-making has been extensively debated in the past, with the need for “usable scientific knowledge” to address systemic challenges, facilitate debate, and build common understanding to engage societies on sustainable pathways.

There are several methods designed to promote the science–policy interface and support policy decision based on the latest scientific evidence, among which IRD/INRAE “Collective Scientific Assessment” (CSA). At the instigation of national or international institutions, CSA provides in a limited time, a detailed state of scientific knowledge on specific sustainable development challenges (environmental issues, food systems, agroecology, fisheries, biodiversity, water access, agriculture, climate challenges, One Health, coastal and ocean issues, etc…) as well as policy-relevant conclusions.

Also, CSA happen to be very helpful and strategic while designing and launching new development programs or scientific research agendas.

This session will present the issue of scientific assessments for sustainable development, with a focus on ICSA’s methodology, process and expected results. Concrete ICSA achieved in different geographic areas will be presented and discussed.

