DateSeptember 12, 2023
08:30-10:00 EDT

The World Bank Group Aquabusiness Investment Advisory Platform (AquaInvest), funded by PROBLUE Multidonor Trust Fund, is a collaboration between IBRD, IFC, GEF, FAO, WWF, USAID among others. The AquaInvest Platform has released a comprehensive study on new and emerging seaweed markets in anticipation of increased production from offshore cultivation of seaweed which promises higher production that will require more markets and capacity to process.

The Global Seaweed New and Emerging Markets Report 2023 identifies gaps, innovations, opportunities, and new markets for the seaweed industry to scale up, alleviate poverty, and improve global environmental resilience. The report identifies 10 global seaweed subsector markets which are projected to grow the seaweed market value by a further $11.8 billion by the year 2030.

The GEF and the WBG organized a virtual discussion session, to hear more about highlights of this report and provide an opportunity to engage in discussions that will shape the development of the global seaweed sub-sector.