
Three quick lessons that teach us to love our forests

Forests are integral to our lives in complex ways that we are only beginning to understand. From reducing stress to carbon sequestering and climate regulation, they play a large role in our health and our planet’s health. March 21 is the International Day of Forests and this year’s theme centers on…
The GEF’s Policy on Gender Equality, adopted in 2017, marks GEF’s increased ambition to collaborate with governments, the private sector, and civil society to catalyze projects and actions that have the potential to materialize greater environmental impact through gender-responsive approaches and results. Photo: Pierre-Yves Babelon/Shutterstock.

Celebrating women's contribution to global environmental sustainability

On International Women’s Day, GEF is celebrating women’s unique role in and contribution to safeguarding the global environment Addressing inequalities in areas like control over natural resources and participation in decision-making contribute to greater gender equality, help women play more…
The Marshall Islands is convening an entirely online Virtual Summit of the Climate Vulnerable Forum on 22 November 2018. Photo: Shutterstock.

First-ever Virtual Climate Summit to urge for greater action on global warming

The world’s first-ever Virtual Climate Summit will take place tomorrow, November 22, to renew political momentum in tackling climate change. Announcing the summit at the 6th GEF Assembly in Da Nang Hilda Heine, the President of the Marshall Islands and Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF)…
Our Ocean Conference 2018 was held in Bali this week to further global action on maintaining the sustainability of our oceans. Photo: Wonderful Nature/Shutterstock.

From political will to financial commitments: six stories illustrate the Our Ocean 2018 Conference in action

Our actions today have never had a bigger impact on our future than they do now. Under this premise the Our Ocean Conference 2018 was held in Bali this week to further global action on maintaining the sustainability of our oceans. Millions of people depend on ocean for their lives and livelihoods.…

Zero Hunger world is within reach, but we must work together to achieve it

Today, on World Food Day, the global community is mobilizing to reach a Zero Hunger world. With a changing climate, inequality, and rapid population growth the challenges we face on the way seem insurmountable. However, with governments, private sector and individuals working together, we can…

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