Deforested area

Sustainable development in Asia: seeing both the forests and the trees

As the continent comes to dominate the global economy, it will do much to determine the fate of the global commons As a young Asian business leader, it is fascinating to be part of an important transformation – the rise of Asia in the global economy.  Next year is expected to mark the tipping…
Working across production, financing and demand, the Good Growth Partnership convenes a wide range of stakeholders and initiatives to reduce deforestation and enable sustainable development in three global commodity supply chains: soy, beef and palm oil. Photo: Muhd Fuad Abd Rahim/Shutterstock.

How finance can reduce deforestation

“My sister is the one who got the finance degree and worked on Wall Street. When I finished school, I moved to Borneo to save the rainforests and orangutans.” I was joking at a recent meeting on financing of commodities supply chains organized by the GEF’s Good Growth Partnership (GGP). It was a…

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