The GEF’s Policy on Gender Equality, adopted in 2017, marks GEF’s increased ambition to collaborate with governments, the private sector, and civil society to catalyze projects and actions that have the potential to materialize greater environmental impact through gender-responsive approaches and results. Photo: Pierre-Yves Babelon/Shutterstock.

Celebrating women's contribution to global environmental sustainability

On International Women’s Day, GEF is celebrating women’s unique role in and contribution to safeguarding the global environment Addressing inequalities in areas like control over natural resources and participation in decision-making contribute to greater gender equality, help women play more…
Working across production, financing and demand, the Good Growth Partnership convenes a wide range of stakeholders and initiatives to reduce deforestation and enable sustainable development in three global commodity supply chains: soy, beef and palm oil. Photo: Muhd Fuad Abd Rahim/Shutterstock.

How finance can reduce deforestation

“My sister is the one who got the finance degree and worked on Wall Street. When I finished school, I moved to Borneo to save the rainforests and orangutans.” I was joking at a recent meeting on financing of commodities supply chains organized by the GEF’s Good Growth Partnership (GGP). It was a…
Masai shepherdess brings early morning herd of goats on pasture in Kenya. Photo: Andrzej Kubik/Shutterstock.

How can we feed the world and keep the planet healthy? We start by making smallholder farming more sustainable

People are already consuming at a rate faster than the planet can replenish. Yet the world’s population is expected to grow from 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050. This will considerably increase demand for energy, transport, buildings and food. Agricultural production will need to increase to meet…
Women wakling near mangroves in the remote village of Uzi, Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. Photo: Anca Milushev/Shutterstock.

A voice from the Liberian mangroves: ensuring that GEF investments work for both women and men

“Women should benefit from this project, otherwise we’ll have to continue to go in and cut the mangrove.” I’m sitting on a narrow wooden bench, under a burning hot aluminum roof, next to a mother with a small boy on her lap who keeps a wary eye on me.  I’ve come to this rural village on the…

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