Woman gesturing in front of laptop on a panel

Why gender justice matters for sustainable development

Women and girls are bearing a disproportionate burden in this time of environmental strain. Fires, storms, floods, and droughts have direct impacts on those tasked with collecting water, securing food, and caring for families. At the same time, women’s voices are often sidelined – or missing…
The GEF’s Policy on Gender Equality, adopted in 2017, marks GEF’s increased ambition to collaborate with governments, the private sector, and civil society to catalyze projects and actions that have the potential to materialize greater environmental impact through gender-responsive approaches and results. Photo: Pierre-Yves Babelon/Shutterstock.

Celebrating women's contribution to global environmental sustainability

On International Women’s Day, GEF is celebrating women’s unique role in and contribution to safeguarding the global environment Addressing inequalities in areas like control over natural resources and participation in decision-making contribute to greater gender equality, help women play more…
Woman harvesting hydroponics celery. Photo: Wytsnsr/Shutterstock.

The results are in: five things we've learned about making progress toward environmental objectives while addressing gender equality

We know that advancing gender equality is one of the systems changes needed to achieve environmental gains – in fact, it is shown to be a driver of progress across many Sustainable Development Goals - but there is a lack of data and evidence about what works to succeed in this complex area. UNDP…
Mozambique women carrying basket on the head and baby behind the back walking home after looked for mussels at Tofo beach, Mozambique. Photo: Aostojska/Shutterstock.

Marking progress: towards gender mainstreaming at UN Environment

While working towards gender equality may be business as usual in many countries, in much of the world massive disparities in education, empowerment and opportunities remain a daily reality for women and girls. Just one example is Mozambique, where a recent analysis highlighted these challenges.…
Women with argan fruits in women's cooperative in Morocco. Photo: danm12/Shutterstock.

The GEF's new policy on gender equality is a win for people and planet

Gender equality is an environmental issue. Through initiatives financed by the Global Environment Facility, UNDP recognizes this reality on the ground around the world. From Pakistan, where investing in women as clean energy entrepreneurs has led to avoidance of CO2 emissions, to supporting more…
Woman holding child

A new GEF gender equality policy to define and shape our sustainable future - equitably

Environmental threats represent the greatest challenge we face today. Waters recede in some places, drying lands and livelihoods out while sea levels and hurricanes inundate and sweep others away. Temperature changes threaten entire species and agricultural economies, challenging the resilience of…
Women wakling near mangroves in the remote village of Uzi, Zanzibar Island, Tanzania. Photo: Anca Milushev/Shutterstock.

A voice from the Liberian mangroves: ensuring that GEF investments work for both women and men

“Women should benefit from this project, otherwise we’ll have to continue to go in and cut the mangrove.” I’m sitting on a narrow wooden bench, under a burning hot aluminum roof, next to a mother with a small boy on her lap who keeps a wary eye on me.  I’ve come to this rural village on the…
Child in Burkina Faso

Integrated approaches: accelerating women's contribution to food security, reducing deforestation, and sustainable cities

Today, the GEF joins the global community in celebrating International Women’s Day. It is an ideal time to reflect on GEF’s efforts to advance the role of women in environmental sectors worldwide. When the GEF adopted its Policy on Gender Mainstreaming in 2011, only a minority of projects…
Ethnic Tharu women on their way to go fishing in Bardia, Nepal. Photo: PACO COMO/Shutterstock.

Gender and biodiversity joint gains: myth or reality?

At the UN Biological diversity conference (COP13) in Cancun, Mexico, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) discussed progress and experiences in integrating gender and social inclusion dimensions into biodiversity-related projects.  Despite growing attention to these issues…
Women using a water pump in an arid landscape

Climate change and women: impacts compounded by gender inequality

It is critical to recognize that all too often women experience the impacts of climate change differently than men. Women are often affected disproportionately due to gender inequalities. They also constitute the majority of the world’s poor and are more dependent for their livelihood on natural…

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