

The partners of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) got together at Jackson Hole, Wyoming from 24-25 June 2013 for a retreat to discuss the strategic direction of the third phase (2014-2017) of its operation. The Global Environment Facility, Conservation International, and the World Bank were the initial partners of this conservation fund, which has now grown with additional partners including European Union, Governments of France and Japan, and MacArthur Foundation.    
Since 2000, the CEPF has been working on biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation in the world's most critical ecosystems, known as the biodiversity hotspots.  To date, partners of CEPF have collectively secured total $238 million for the program, and invested over $150 million in 23 hotspots around the world.  The program has made significant contributions in establishing new protected areas, species conservation, and mainstreaming biodiversity in production sectors.  The CEPF has been working on these activities through engaging and enhancing capacities of over 1800 civil society organizations, including indigenous peoples.
The retreat reviewed the achievements of the program to date, and exchanged views on priorities for future investment.  The meeting also discussed how the program could build on its experiences, and further promote innovation, scaling up, and sustainability of the activities for enhanced results. 

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