


The 48th meeting of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council began today and takes place in a year when key global processes are coming to conclusion.  In July, the world will come together in Addis to discuss the global framework for financing for development, in September, in New York a set of Sustainable Development Goals will be adopted, and in December, COP21 in Paris will deliberate on a possible new legally binding agreement to cut carbon emissions.

The GEF Council is an opportunity to take stock of the GEF’s contribution to these processes, after the first year of implementing the GEF 6 and GEF 2020 strategies. The GEF CEO, Ms. Naoko Ishii, will summarize her perspectives on GEF2020 implementation so far along four tracks:  (i) integrated and innovative programming; (i) strategic country engagement; (iii) GEF’s role in the evolving global financing architecture; and (iv) improving effectiveness and efficiency of GEF operations. 

The Council will consider for approval the largest work program in GEF history.  With three Integrated Approach Pilots for approval, the work program represents some of the key priorities of GEF6 and GEF2020: a driver-focused, integrated and multi-stakeholder platform approach.


Flanked by William Ehlers, Council Secratary, and Leander Treppel, Austria Council Member, GEF CEO and Chairperson, Naoko Ishii, adresses the GEF Council.

In addition, at this Council meeting, the GEF will welcome the West African Development Bank (BOAD), the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), and the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO) from China as new Project Agencies.  Meanwhile, the Independent Evaluation Office has concluded its evaluation of the pilot accreditation process, and will present the results to the Council. 

Also on the agenda for the Council Meeting are the introduction of a stricter cancellation policy, as well as renewed plans for Results-Based Management, Knowledge Management, and Gender Mainstreaming. The 18th LDCF/SCCF Council meeting will take place on Thursday morning.

The Council meeting is scheduled to conclude on Thursday, June 4.

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