
Representatives of the GEF Eastern Africa Constituency met in Arusha,Tanzania, for 2 days, 25-26 October  to discuss the Agenda for the next GEF Council Meeting to be held in Washington on 13-15 November 2012. This meeting followed the Expanded Constituency meeting held at the same venue. GEF Constituency Meetings provide an opportunity to share information and obtain feedback on issues on the Council’s agenda, to review country and constituency coordination issues, to enhance communication and outreach efforts, to decide upon constituency governance issues, such as the order in which countries will assume Council Member and Alternate seats (rotation agreements), and discuss implementation of GEF projects and share lessons learned.


Front row: Dr Babiker (Sudan) Wilson Busienei (Kenya) Susan Waithaka (GEF Secretariat),  Ali Mohamed (Kenya), Agnes Yobterik (Kenya),  Rebecca Lalanne (Seychelles), Solomon Berhanu (Ethiopia),  Hassan Soilihi (Comores),

Upper row: George Kafumu (Tanzania), Andriatsalama Come (Madagascar), William Ehlers (GEF Secretariat), Didier Dogley (Seychelles), Adele Murebwayire (Rwanda), Gisele Umuhumuza (Rwanda)

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