

 On May 24, GEF Evaluation Office presented the 7th Annual Performance Report (APR) 2010 to the GEF Council.

Outcome achievements of 84 percent of completed GEF projects reviewed since fiscal 2005 were rated moderately satisfactory or above, representing $1.13 million of GEF financing. This long-term average is based on project evaluations completed by GEF agencies and confirmed by the evaluation offices of the Agencies.

For the UNDP, UNEP, and World Bank projects reported on in the FY10 report, 92 percent of projects were rated moderately satisfactory or above. Eighty-nine (89) percent or $157 million allocated to projects that were rated moderately satisfactory or above. These ratings have been confirmed by the evaluation offices of UNDP, UNEP and the World Bank.

For the completed projects reviewed during fiscal 2010, the materialization of cofinancing reported by the GEF Agencies on average is 34 percent higher than that expected at project approval.

The APR is an assessment of project outcomes, processes that may affect these results, and of monitoring and evaluation of completed projects. It primarily involves review of the evidence presented in the terminal evaluation reports, with verification of performance rating based primarily on desk reviews.

Access the Council Document: "Annual Performance Report 2010" here:

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