
The GEF serves as the entity that operates the Financial Mechanism of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The Stockholm Convention is administered by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions.

On Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 August, Dr Naoko Ishii, GEF CEO hosted a retreat with the Executive Secretary of the Conventions, Mr. Jim Willis and senior staff of the Convention Secretariat in the offices of the GEF Secretariat in Washington DC. The meeting was attended by Chemicals and Climate staff, representatives of External Affairs and Natural Resources Teams from the GEF Secretariat and STAP.

The retreat's main goal was to update each Secretariat on the changes at each Secretariat and re-commit to ensuring that both Secretariats streamline their work to benefit the work of the Parties in meeting their obligations under the Stockholm Convention and achieve co-benefits for sound management of chemicals.

Over the two days a work plan was agreed by the two secretariats including strengthening the regional delivery mechanisms of the Conventions through the network of regional centers, joint outreach strategies and inputs for each Secretariat into the needs assessment of the Conventions and the 6th Replenishment of the GEF trust fund.


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