

2014 was a busy year for the Global Environment Facility and I would like to close it with heartfelt thanks to all of you. 

You enabled us to achieve many things:  We successfully replenished the GEF Trust Fund at a record level; we devised GEF2020, our first ever long-term strategy; we brought the entire GEF network together with global thought leaders during our Assembly in Mexico; we expanded our network of implementing partners to 14 and strengthened our relationship with our five Conventions.

This year my holiday card is a picture of the dramatic regress of glaciers in Torres de Paine National Park in Patagonia, Chile. It is a stark reminder that, holiday season or not, the world’s ecosystems and resources continue to be exploited beyond sustainable limits, and of the huge challenges before us.

2015 is a year with a large potential; a year where global consensus on sustainable development goals and a climate change agreement can be reached.  I look forward to working with you all to ensure that the GEF plays a strong role in catalyzing the action on the ground that is necessary for these goals and agreements to become reality. 

Thank you for your friendship, support and commitment.

With my best wishes for a peaceful, joyous and sustainable 2015,

Naoko Ishii

GEF CEO and Chairperson

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