
GLOBE International - 2014 World Summit for Legislators

Today, the GEF is participating at the 2nd World Summit of Legislators, hosted in Mexico City on June 6-8, where legislators and policy makers from 100 countries convene to search for legislative solutions to better protect the environment.


The World Summit of Legislators 2014 (WSL2014), organized by GLOBE International, is the world’s largest gathering of parliamentary representatives.  The WSL2014 will provide an opportunity to reexamine and offer examples of national actions that stemmed from the three environmental initiatives of the 1st Summit:

  • the GCLI on Climate Legislation
  • GNCI on Natural Capital Legislation
  • GFLI on Forest Legislation

With the GEF’s support, many countries have already implemented strong environmental legislation with significant impacts. For example, the GEF-supported Forest Legislator Initiative has had far-reaching impacts that not only support local and national efforts, but also provide a knowledge base on how to value forests and natural capital.

The GEF has partnered with GLOBE in hopes to create an environment of collaboration and shared knowledge to help legislators and law makers learn from our experiences with areas like forests, natural capital and climate change mitigation and adaptation. In turn, the GEF hopes to gain knowledge from the lessons learned from the legislation initiatives put forward at the last Summit, and looks forward to supporting future initiatives.

The Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE International) is an international organisation comprising national parliamentarians from over 80 countries committed to developing and overseeing the implementation of laws in pursuit of sustainable development.

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