

GLOBE International - National Capital Legislation Study 

The 1st GLOBE Natural Capital Legislation Study was formally launched in the German Bundestag by Pavan Sukhdev and legislators from 20 countries participating in the 1st Legislators Summit of the GLOBE Natural Capital Initiative. During a keynote speech German Cabinet Minister for Economic Development and Cooperation, Dirk Niebel MdB, welcomed the study and the progress it highlighted in key developing countries. The CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility, Dr Naoko Ishii joined the Minister in welcoming the GLOBE Study and Initiative.

The Study audits national capacities, legislation, policies and on-going processes towards the implementation of full natural capital accounting in eight countries of Botswana, Costa Rica, Colombia, Georgia, Germany, Peru, Philippines and the United Kingdom.

The Study provides national legislators with practical examples on how best to introduce natural capital accounting in their own countries and serves as a baseline from which to measure progress between now and 2020 - by which time GLOBE legislators seek to see natural capital accounting laws enacted.


Read original story | Read the Study presentation by Pavan Sukhdev | Download the Study





GLOBE Legislators call for a Post 2015 Development Goal on Natural Capital Accounting

60 legislators from 20 countries attending the 1st GLOBE Natural Capital Summit have called upon Governments to adopt a specific Post 2015 UN Development Goal on Natural Capital Accounting.

The Summit Communique called upon governments everywhere, no later than 2020, to fully incorporate the value of natural capital into national accounting frameworks.

It further called upon governments to regulate to ensure that businesses make their environmental externalities transparent and open to public scrutiny in their annual reports to shareholders.

In welcoming delegates to the Summit, Michael Kauch Mdb, Vice President of GLOBE International for Europe, highlighted that "the valuation of natural capital can contribute to increase transparency and its introduction would improve our awareness of what balancing development and sustainability means".

"it is important that we discuss this subject together with the issue of poverty eradication and the post-2015 Millennium Development Goals and I encourage you all to involve national parliaments in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals."


Read original story | Browse Summit proceedings | Read the Summit final Communique





Summit Summary by Barry Gardiner MP

"To restore and sustain the ability of the Earth to support human communities".

These words from the Gaborone Declaration are simple, direct and uncompromising. They perfectly reflect the serious purpose with which legislators from 20 different countries met in Berlin to bring about a transformation in the way we account for our national wealth.

The time when the Earth could support human communities without difficulty is coming to an end. Natural Capital has been eroded to such an extent that the complex mechanism of ecosystem services that nature provides has been compromised and now we need to restore and sustain the earth's ability to support us.

As legislators this means passing legislation that will properly value the natural capital upon which all economic wealth depends.


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Keynote Speakers and Presentations:

Hon. Dirk Niebel, Cabinet Minister for Economic Development & Cooperation - Germany

Hon. Khatuna Gogaladze, Cabinet Minister for the Environment - Georgia

Hon. Giorgi Tabuashvili, Deputy Minister of Finance - Georgia

Hon. Silvia Hernandez, Deputy Minister for National Planning & Economy - Costa Rica

Hon. Manuel Pulgar Vidal, Cabinet Minister for the Environment - Peru

Hon. Sajid Javid MP, Economic Secretary to the Treasury - UK

Dr. Naoko Ishii, CEO & Chair - Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Mr. Juergen Voegele, Director Agriculture and Environmental Services - World Bank

Mr. Ivo Havinga, Chief Economic Statistics Branch - UN Statistics Division



Photo courtesy of GLOBE International

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