


The focus of Earth Day 2013 is climate change, a threat to the global environment that is already impacting all of us. The GEF team works hard to mitigate climate change and help countries to adapt to its effects.


  • More than $4 billion  to support mitigation and adaptation projects and enabling activities in more than 168 developing  countries  and economies in transition.
  • Leveraged an additional $27 billion in cofinancing from GEF partner agencies, governments, commercial banks, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.
  • Supported more than 50 climate-resilient technologies  for energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable urban transport, and methane reduction. 
  • Played catalytic roles for mobilizing investments, enabling recipients, pioneering innovative financial instruments, and promoting market-based mechanisms leading to widespread adoption and dissemination of climate-friendly technologies. 
  • GEF investments over time are expected to directly reduce 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide  equivalent and catalyze an additional 7 billion tonnes through transformation of markets, more than the annual CO2  emissions of the United States and European Union combined.


  • More than $358 million  financing concrete adaptation action in more than 133 projects , of which 82  are NAPA implementation projects, with cofinancing of $1.86 billion . These projects are some of the first in the world tackling the actual impacts of climate change across development sectors such as agriculture and food security, water management, disaster risk management, coastal zone management, health, and the sustainable management of ecosystems. 
  • Thanks to these early investments by the GEF, particularly through the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), developing countries are now gaining their first experiences on how to address the impacts of climate change, and are already actively working to increase the resilience of some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities.


Learn more about what we do in in this area - /gef/climate_change 

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