Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, GEF
Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, GEF

As reported by IISD

Moderated by Robert Dixon, GEF, this event provided an opportunity for participants to hear from the GEF's new leadership on the Facility's vision and strategy, and to engage on issues concerning this vision. Dixon introduced the GEF's new CEO, highlighting her experience in the Japanese Ministry of Finance, the World Bank and Harvard University.

Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, GEF, lauded the GEF as having "delivered on the ground," but said that a business as usual scenario is unacceptable as the organization moves forward, stressing the need for transformational change. She called for the incorporation of natural capital valuation in development planning processes, noting that the core goal of the GEF is to protect the global commons.

She informed participants of the organization's long-term strategic exercise, known as GEF 2020. She explained the exercise was to explore the role of the GEF in protecting the global commons, and said that this would require answering "uncomfortable questions" regarding the reasons the world is in its current state.

She said that the GEF's role is to be: protector of the global commons; promoter of innovation beyond technology; "partner of choice" in formulating constructive, trusting relationships to catalyze the exchange of knowledge and expertise; and catalyzer for the development of environmental financial architecture, by maximizing complementarity between existing funds and new sources of finance.

On partnerships, Ishii offered examples of successes in GEF activities, including work on integrated water management in the Danube River basin and a conservation trust fund for rainforest protection in the Brazilian Amazon. She emphasized the need to link political leadership with technical expertise.
In the ensuing discussion, one participant underscored country willingness to take ownership and demonstrate leadership, but asked for advice on how to take the next steps towards transformational change. Participants also considered the role natural capital accounting can play in bringing environmental concerns into economic decision-making and the GEF's ability to convene multiple stakeholders.

Participants further: called on the GEF to be an umbrella for global sustainable development; highlighted the need for national-level coordination of GEF focal points and implementing agencies; and explored the role of the GEF in capacity building of beneficiaries, both at the project development and the implementation phases.


In discussions, participants considered the need for a “coalition of the willing” between governments, international financial institutions, civil society, indigenous peoples and the private sector to protect the global commons.

For more information:

In Doha:

John Diamond | Senior Communications Officer
T +1(202) 458-7953 F +1(202) 522-3240 |

In Washington:

Christian Hofer | Senior Communications Officer, External Relations
T +1(202) 458-0936 F +1(202) 522-3240|


Photo courtesy by IISD

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