
August 22 marks 100 days until the Paris Climate Change Conference (COP21)

COP21 is expected to deliver a new universal climate change agreement. The new agreement is aimed at putting the world firmly on track to a low-carbon, sustainable future that keeps a global temperature rise under 2 degrees C. 

This level of ambition and action to combat climate change is urgently needed. 

2015 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record and many countries and communities are already feeling the negative impacts of a changing climate. Droughts, violent storms, increased coastal erosion and other changes are destabilizing critical ecosystems and undermining livelihoods, in particular among the poorest and most vulnerable populations.  

In response, the GEF is supporting developing countries’ shift towards a low-emission, development path, and increasing their resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change.   

By integrating climate risks and adaptation into more than 260 national development policies and plans in nearly 70 countries, the GEF is supporting transformational change and helping to lay the foundation of a more climate-resilient world. 

In Paris this December, we need a strong agreement for people and the planet.

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