
In Central Africa, several projects have been developed under the Strategic Program on Sustainable Forest Management for the Congo Basin. The program was built around three main focal points: the conservation of biodiversity hotspots, sustainable forest management outside protected areas, and the reinforcement of capacities supporting innovative financing mechanisms.

Two of these projects have just been launched in Bangui, Central Africa Republic, from the 12th to the 14th of March 2012:

The regional project on REDD entitled “Enhancing Institutional Capacities on REDD issues for Sustainable Forest management in the Congo Basin” (GEF $13 million; cofinancing $60.3 million) and The Medium Size Project “Capacity Building for Regional Coordination of Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin under the GEF Program for the Congo Basin”  (GEF $815,000; cofinancing $1.1 million)

 Some 80 participants – including government representatives of the 10 countries of the Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC), regional institutions, Civil Society Organizations (mostly from Central Africa republic) and technical and financial partners – took part in the workshops for these projects, which are being implemented by the World Bank and executed by COMIFAC.

Information on both projects, including annual work plans and modalities for coordination and information exchange, were discussed in the course of the two workshops.



Addressing participants, Mr. Francois Naoueyama, Minister in charge of environment of the Central African Republic said, “I am happy to see that a GEF program that was initiated through an important political dialogue is now materialized by activities in each country.”Gustave Dougounbe, GEF Operational Focal Point for Central Africa republic added, “There is a strong ownership by countries for this regional REDD project because each country agreed voluntarily to provide its Climate Change allocation to make this possible.”

 “These projects are at the heart of the mandate of the COMIFAC, and we welcome that the GEF and the WorldBank have worked closely with us to prepare them,” said Martin Tadoun, Deputy Executive Secretary. He added, “The REDD project is fulfilling a gap to reinforce the political and technical dialogue at regional level. It will also help improving science based knowledge with the aim to measure and monitor carbon stocks in Congo basin forests. The Medium Size Project will help to reinforce COMIFAC capacities and coordinate the regional aspect of the GEF program.” 


More information on the GEF Strategic Program on Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin and the two projects are available on the links below:



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