
supply%20change.png, a new online platform convened by Forest Trends and cofinanced by the GEF that lets users track the actions that companies are taking to remove deforestation from their supply chains.


Businesses made significant advances in the last year through commitments that promised to end deforestation in supply chains. And while these pledges are a step in the right direction, they only matter if companies act on them.


GEF CEO and Chairperson Naoko Ishii said: “We have recently welcomed an array of commitments and pledges related to removing deforestation from commodity supply chains. Having clear, reliable information available on progress is vital to maintain momentum and move from niche to sector norm."


Supply Change, launched last week by Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace in collaboration with CDP and WWF, intends to track and identify the commitments that count, filling a crucial data gap in market information. The website allows users to track the actions companies are reporting against their commitments, focusing on the big drivers of deforestation stemming from commercial agriculture: palm oil, timber and pulp, soy, and beef.


“Ecosystem Marketplace is a respected source of news, data and analytics on markets and payments for ecosystem services and GEF is proud to again support a new expansion of EcoSystem Marketplace’s coverage” added Naoko Ishii.


Initial findings are summarized in “Supply Change: Corporations, Commodities, and Commitments that Count”, an easy-to-read, 32-page report based on the project’s current inventory of over 300 unique commitments – about one-third of which are targeted for achievement this year – from almost as many companies.  And over half of forest-risk commodity commitments tracked come from the food and beverage industry. Early findings also found that corporate leadership has a multiplier effect: one commitment from a major retailer (think Walmart or Marks and Spencer) spurs another three commitments from their suppliers upstream.


Supply Change brings you real time news and analysis on an ever-changing and extremely relevant section of corporate activity. We encourage you to explore it. 


Watch our recently produced video on Supply Chain – Supply Change here:


Story courtesy of Forest Trends

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