

Update Report on the Integrated Approach Pilots


With its role in providing financing for developing countries to meet their obligations before the many different international accords, the GEF is uniquely positioned among multilateral financial mechanisms in its ability to integrate funding lines and reinforce multiple objectives required to promote transformational change.
Recognizing the need to increase the impact of its investments required to the tough environmental issues facing the planet, the GEF has refreshed its global strategy to guide funding over the next four years. The strategy now puts a strong focus on tackling the drivers of environmental degradation, which is critical to slow and eventually reverse environmental trends.
A select number of integrated investments will seek to produce multiple environmental benefits by working with a broad range of organizations and sectors, including government agencies, businesses and NGOs. This new and more integrated approach is being added to existing GEF funding modalities to strengthen its capacity to respond to priorities identified by multiple conventions and stakeholders.


Sustainable Cities 
The integrated program on Sustainable Cities is a $100 million program pilot that will provide policy and governance support to facilitate integrated urban design, planning, and management; leading to sustainable, resilient development and sound ecosystem management while improving the global environment. read more}  
Taking Deforestation out of Commodity Supply Chains 
Taking Deforestation out of Commodity Supply Chains is an integrated program dedicating US$45 million to address one of the key global drivers of deforestation by harnessing the growing public and private sector interest in expanding the supply of sustainably managed commodities, in particular palm oil, soy and beef. read more}  
Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa integrated program is a $110 million program that aims to promote the sustainable management and resilience of ecosystems and their different services (land, water, biodiversity, forests) as a means to address food insecurity. read more}


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