


November 10, 2011

In anticipation of the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP) 17, in Durban, South Africa, and in the context of the 41st GEF Council Meeting, Ms. Preety Bhandari, Coordinator, and Mr. Yolando Velasco, Officer, of the Financial and Technical Support Programme, of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC), met with the Climate and Chemicals team of the GEF Secretariat.

As an operating entity of the UNFCCC financial mechanism, the GEF responds to UNFCCC mandate. The Mitigation, Adaptation, and Chemicals teams welcomed the invitation of Ms. Bhandari and Mr. Velasco to enahnce coopereation between the Secretariats towards the path of a future climate regime.

The UNFCCC delegates delivered a message of strengthening political and technical action against global warming during the climate COP’s. GEF staff took this opportunity to hold a question and answer session, on a diversity of topics including political and technical issues, the Convention new concepts and future plans, and how these issues will affect GEF’s role, to keep improving its work in both mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

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