GEF Council Approves Proposal to Strengthen Network and Expand Access to Resources


Washington, D.C. November 19, 2010 – The governing body of the world’s largest public environmental fund, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), this week took action towards broadening and strengthening its network so developing countries will have more tools to meet climate change, biodiversity and other global challenges.

Specifically the GEF Council agreed to establish a pilot process with the goal of building a new framework to expand the number of accredited institutions that are be eligible to receive funding to assist countries prepare and implement projects on the ground. The Council also agreed to an accreditation procedure for new agencies.

This step by our Council triggers one of the key elements of our reform agenda and will give the GEF the necessary tools to continue as a pioneering international financing institution dedicated to the global environment,” said Monique Barbut, CEO and chairperson of the GEF.

The Council action responds to calls from many developing countries and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to expand access to GEF resources, particularly for national institutions in developing countries.

Accrediting national institution in developing countries will be important for ensuring there is strong ownership of GEF projects in places where the need is greatest,” she added. “Expanding the number and types of agencies able to receive GEF resources directly will give countries more choices.

Barbut noted that the Council directive will also be an important way for the GEF to deliver on its commitment to enhance country ownership, to align its assistance with country priorities, and to make greater use of country systems, all of which are key commitments to both donor and recipient countries looking to meeting international environmental agreements.

The Council asked the GEF Secretariat to develop a proposal for implementing this pilot for its review at its next meeting in May 2011.


For additional information, please contact: 
Maureen Lorenzetti on +1 202 352 3572 or at


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Alexandre Pinheiro Rego
Senior Communications Officer

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