May 27, 2011, Washington, D.C. – The governing body of the world’s largest public environmental fund, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), this week made an historic decision to embrace qualified national agencies as implementing partners in a new policy to broaden and strengthen the GEF’s network of agencies.

The GEF Council agreed to implement a pilot comprising mainly of national entities to make them eligible to receive direct GEF funding. The pilot will clearly prioritize national institutions while also allowing regional institutions, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations with a global scope to be eligible to apply for accreditation.

The GEF Council’s bold and historic decision is a powerful response to calls from developing countries for direct access in the GEF. It will integrate national institutions to the full extent of their capacities and ensure that GEF funding fully supports their priorities on the global environment.” said Monique Barbut, CEO and Chairperson of the GEF.

Barbut noted that the Council decision implements one of the most important reforms called for by GEF participant countries under the historic GEF fifth replenishment – the largest in the history of the GEF – agreed in May 2010. It will greatly enhance the GEF’s ability to align its assistance with country priorities and to build capacity at the country level to implement projects, which are key commitments to both donor and recipient countries looking to meeting international environmental agreements.

This reform will make the GEF a more efficient and effective institution by enabling the GEF to draw on the capacities and expertise of a broader range of agencies and by allowing the GEF to work directly with developing country agencies for the first time.”

Agencies will be able to submit applications to serve as GEF project agencies starting in June 2011 through June 2012. The GEF will establish an accreditation panel to determine whether an applicant fully meets the GEF’s fiduciary, environmental, and social standards and other policies.

Media Contact

Alexandre Pinheiro Rego
Senior Communications Officer

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