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Mission: Planet De-Tox at Chemicals Conference

Film provides on-the-ground look at GEF-funded projects to clean up toxic chemicals and waste


WHAT: Premiere of Global Environment Facility documentary

                    Mission: Planet De-Tox

WHEN: 6:15 p.m. local time Geneva, Wednesday May 8, 2013

WHERE: Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Joint Conference of Parties, Plenary Session Room, Centre International des Conferences Geneva (CICG), 17 rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland.

GENEVA, Switzerland, May 7, 2013 – The Global Environment Facility tomorrow will premiere a new documentary film, Mission: Planet De-Tox at the Joint Conference of Parties of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Conventions.

The film, focusing on how the GEF and its partners are responding to the challenge of toxic chemical pollution worldwide, will be presented to delegates to the conventions by GEF CEO and Chairperson Naoko Ishii.

Mission: Planet Detox follows two GEF officers on a tour of sites in five countries on three continents as they get a first-hand look at GEF-funded projects implemented by the World Bank, United Nations Environment Programme, and United Nations Development Programme, shedding light on complex local realities and effective international responses. Global environmental impact is the GEF's mission, and with this film for the first time audiences can experience the chemicals part of the GEF’s mission through the testimony of project participants and beneficiaries.


The film is NOW AVAILABLE on the GEF YouTube channel (



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