Cover of publication "Good Practice Brief: Protecting Biodiversity by Respecting Rights"

Good Practice Brief: Protecting Biodiversity by Respecting Rights

The Philippines, an archipelago of numerous islands and many ethnolinguistic groups, is a tapestry of cultural diversity and unique ecosystems. The country harbors 20 percent of known plant and animal species, making it critically important to global environmental benefits. Yet, between the…
Cover image for publication "Raising Forest Voices: SGP Community-based REDD+ Initiative"

Raising Forest Voices: SGP Community-based REDD+ Initiative

This publication from the GEF Small Grants Programme summarizes the experiences and lessons learned from six participating community-based REDD+ (CBR+) countries during the pilot phase (Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Panama, Paraguay, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia). A case study from each country…
Cover image for publication "Good Practice Brief: Strengthening Regional Cooperation to Mainstream Migratory Soaring Birds Safeguards"

Good Practice Brief: Strengthening Regional Cooperation to Mainstream Migratory Soaring Birds Safeguards

This GEF-financed project implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has achieved successful and transformational results in mainstreaming migratory soaring bird (MSB) safeguards into the five key sectors directly affecting MSBs along the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway: hunting,…
Cover image for publication "Good Practice Brief: Innovative Governance for Participatory Design of a Green City"

Good Practice Brief: Innovative Governance for Participatory Design of a Green City

“Asuncion Green City of the Americas – Pathways to Sustainability” is one of the GEF investments aiming to support Asuncion’s ambition to become a green and sustainable city. Through an integrated approach, the project seeks to advance integrated land use planning of the Metropolitan Area of…
Cover image for the publication "Good Practice Brief: Participatory Conservation and Peacebuilding in Dry Forest as Production Landscape"

Good Practice Brief: Participatory Conservation and Peacebuilding in Dry Forest as Production Landscape

The dry forest ecosystem is a high conservation priority in Colombia. This project seeks to promote the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in dry forests to ensure the flow of ecosystem services and to mitigate deforestation and desertification in the Caribbean region and the Inter-…

Good Practice Brief: Data Driven Integrated Forest Management in Turkey

The Good Practice Briefs were produced by the GEF Secretariat in collaboration with relevant GEF Agencies. Shared at the 57th Council meeting, this pilot series identifies good practice examples from the GEF project portfolio, in line with key GEF2020 strategic priorities and GEF-7 programming…

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