Cover image for publication "Good Practice Brief: Promoting Non-POPs Alternatives to DDT and Environmental Health Through Engaging Key Local Partners"

Good Practice Brief: Promoting Non-POPs Alternatives to DDT and Environmental Health Through Engaging Key Local Partners

Through the GEF investment, India has taken the first step to eliminate dependency on the insecticide DDT by promoting locally appropriate, cost-effective, and sustainable alternatives, including the Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) and Neem-based and bacteria-based biopesticides. HIL (India)…
Cover of the publication "Good Practice Brief: Finding Solutions for Electronic Waste with the Private Sector and Multi-Stakeholders Engagement"

Good Practice Brief: Finding Solutions for Electronic Waste with the Private Sector and Multi-Stakeholders Engagement

The project connects and operationalizes pre-existing elements of a multi-stakeholder Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system in Nigeria, which is an innovative policy and financial instrument that requires manufacturers, importers, and retailers of electronic products to be physically and…

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