
Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program Progress Report 2020

This publication documents the progress and results achieved by the national and regional projects during 2020 in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. These accomplishments are a result of the strong collaboration among the national and subnational governments and executing agencies, GEF implementing…

Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program: Amazon Sustainable Landscapes

Under the 7th GEF replenishment, GEF-7, Impact Programs (IPs) on Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR); Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); and Sustainable Cities are being developed to address the drivers of environmental degradation, and to support transformational change in…

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program

The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) is an initiative funded by the GEF to protect globally significant biodiversity and implement policies to foster sustainable land use and restoration of native vegetation cover. Three countries participate in the program—Brazil, Colombia and Peru—…

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