
Resilient Food Systems 2018-2019 Annual Report

Over the past two years, the Resilient Food Systems (RFS) program, one of the three Integrated Approach Pilots funded by the GEF, has been committed to fostering sustainability and resilience for food security in sub-Saharan Africa. The program consists of 12 country projects– Burkina Faso,…

Good Practice Brief: Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in Niger

The Good Practice Briefs were produced by the GEF Secretariat in collaboration with relevant GEF Agencies. Shared at the 57th Council meeting, this pilot series identifies good practice examples from the GEF project portfolio, in line with key GEF2020 strategic priorities and GEF-7 programming…

Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program

The Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program (ASL) is an initiative funded by the GEF to protect globally significant biodiversity and implement policies to foster sustainable land use and restoration of native vegetation cover. Three countries participate in the program—Brazil, Colombia and Peru—…

Integration: to solve complex environmental problems

Environmental challenges are complex and interlinked, not only in themselves but also with social and economic issues. Better human well-being, for example, poverty reduction, improved human health, energy access and economic growth, are linked to ecological factors. Solutions for one problem can…

GEF Commodities Program (Good Growth Partnership)

The Good Growth Partnership helps to address challenges in the production of sustainable agriculture by focusing on two key commodities that are significantly driving deforestation and related trends: palm oil and beef in Indonesia, Liberia, Brazil, and Paraguay.

Taking deforestation out of the soy supply chain in Brazil (Fact Sheet)

To reduce environmental threats in the Cerrado, and to promote sustainable soy production, this Good Growth Partnership project will seek to encourage soy cultivation in already converted or degraded lands. The project also seeks to support the restoration and creation of conservation areas…

Adaptive Management and Learning (Fact Sheet)

The Adaptive Management and Learning Project is designed to increase cooperation between agencies, countries, sectors and supply chains within the scope of the Good Growth Partnership. The project will be responsible for the partnership’s initiatives that target responsible demand, enable…

Generating responsible demand for reduced deforestation commodities (Fact Sheet)

This Good Growth Partnership project aims to reduce the barriers to achieving sustainable commodity  demand by working with key demand actors: companies, investors, policy makers and consumers. This will be achieved through advancing awareness, capacity and collective action between…

Enabling transactions – Market shift to deforestation free beef, palm oil and soy (Fact Sheet)

The overarching goal of this Good Growth Partnership project is to accelerate the realization of sustainable, no-deforestation commodity supply chains. This will be achieved by increasing the engagement and ambition of the financial sector to incorporate sustainability related targets in their…

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