
Sea, My Life: Protecting Oceans, Sustaining our Future

A voyage to UNDP-supported marine protected areas around the world In the turquoise seas of the western Indian Ocean, a coelacanth drifts slowly and deliberately through underwater caves hidden deep beneath the volcanic islands of the Comoros archipelago. These enigmatic prehistoric fishes — once…

Making Waves: Community Solutions, Sustainable Oceans

“The struggle of poor and vulnerable communities against poverty, biodiversity depletion, environmental degradation, climate change devastation and poor governance may be slow and protracted, but their local solutions and innovations guarantee the future of the present and the next generation […]…

Community-Based Chemicals and Waste Management

The proliferation of harmful chemicals is a growing concern for human health and well-being and the global environment.  During its 6th replenishment period (July 2014 to June 2018; GEF-6), GEF continues to play a catalytic role in leveraging budgetary resources to support elimination and…

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