Cover for Women as Environmental Stewards: The Experience of the Small Grants Programme

Women as Environmental Stewards: The Experience of the Small Grants Programme

Women make up half of the world’s population and are fundamental to the achievement of global environmental benefits and the Sustainable Development Goals. As primary caretakers of households and communities, women have highly specialized and valuable knowledge for the conservation and management…
Cover for GEF Guidance on Gender Equality

GEF Guidance on Gender Equality

The GEF Council approved a new GEF Policy on Gender Equality (GEF, 2017c) in November 2017. The Policy marks GEF’s increased ambition to ensure gender equality and promote women’s empowerment across its operations. The new Policy responds to the recommendations of the Independent Evaluation Office’…
Cover image for Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: UNDP Synthesis of Experiences and Recommendations

Climate Change Adaptation in Africa: UNDP Synthesis of Experiences and Recommendations

Africa is at a tipping point. While efforts to achieve the goals outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Paris Agreement could drive positive changes following nearly a decade of economic growth across Africa, climate change threatens to derail these gains. Given that…

GEF-7 Biodiversity Strategy

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biodiversity as “the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between…

Blue Economy: Community Solutions

This publication includes examples from across different continents, ecosystems and cultures, but they all address the priorities of livelihoods and conservation in combination and bring benefits on both fronts. By giving local communities an immediate, concrete stake in the…

Year One: Highlights from the Good Growth Partnership

The Good Growth Partnership is pioneering a new approach to cultivating sustainability throughout the commodity supply chain. As a result, it is generating new knowledge and lessons about the ways we can improve the production, demand and financing of soy, beef and palm oil.  This report…

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