Cover image for publication "The GEF in Africa"

The GEF in Africa

Since its inception in 1991, the Global Environment Facility has steadfastly supported African countries as they seek effective and innovative approaches to a nature-positive economy. The GEF has helped implement more than 1,800 projects in Africa, with a total investment of $6.2 billion. These…
Cover image for publication "International Waters"

International Waters

Aquatic ecosystems face unprecedented threats. Ocean ecosystems are facing multiple pressures, ranging from climate change and acidification to pollution, habitat loss, and excessive fishing. Freshwater ecosystems face multiple stresses. These range from alteration to the hydrological cycle due to…
Cover image for publication "Good Practice Brief: Building Capacity Towards Reducing GHG Emissions from Global Shipping"

Good Practice Brief: Building Capacity Towards Reducing GHG Emissions from Global Shipping

The GEF, IMO, and UNDP launched the project "Transforming the Global Maritime Transport Industry towards a Low Carbon Future through Improved Energy Efficiency (GloMEEP)" to support 10 Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs) - Argentina, China, Georgia, India, Jamaica, Malaysia, Morocco, Panama, Philippines,…

Delivering Transformational Change: The Journey of the Global Environment Facility

Delivering Transformational Change: The Journey of the Global Environment Facility looks back over the two terms of CEO and Chairperson Naoko Ishii. It also looks forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead. Over the last eight years, the GEF has focused on drivers, or root causes, of…

Good Practice Brief: Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and the Caribbean Trawl Fisheries

The Good Practice Briefs were produced by the GEF Secretariat in collaboration with relevant GEF Agencies. Shared at the 57th Council meeting, this pilot series identifies good practice examples from the GEF project portfolio, in line with key GEF2020 strategic priorities and GEF-7 programming…

Plastics and Circular Economy: Community Solutions

This publication captures the GEF Small Grant Programme's (SGP) experiences and lessons learned on plastics management, spanning not only the area of chemical and waste management, but also international waters and biodiversity conservation. The projects focus on implementing a circular…

Blue Economy: Community Solutions

This publication includes examples from across different continents, ecosystems and cultures, but they all address the priorities of livelihoods and conservation in combination and bring benefits on both fronts. By giving local communities an immediate, concrete stake in the…
PEMSEA cover

PEMSEA: Solutions for Sustainable Seas

Partnerships in Environmental Management East Asia to foster and sustain healthy and for the Seas of East Asia, or PEMSEA, is an resilient oceans, coasts, communities and intergovernmental organization operating in economies across the region. For almost 25 years PEMSEA has supported its partners…

Sea, My Life: Protecting Oceans, Sustaining our Future

A voyage to UNDP-supported marine protected areas around the world In the turquoise seas of the western Indian Ocean, a coelacanth drifts slowly and deliberately through underwater caves hidden deep beneath the volcanic islands of the Comoros archipelago. These enigmatic prehistoric fishes — once…

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