West Africa and Chad reaffirm their support for the GEF's programmatic approach


The GEF CEO and Representatives of the 16 countries of West Africa and Chad, including twelve ministers met in Cotonou on February 18-19, 2010.

The objectives of the meeting were to take stock of the GEF 4 programs on Energy and Biodiversity they had endorsed two years earlier in Cotonou, discuss the implications for their countries of proposed reforms for GEF 5 and explore opportunities for potential GEF-5 Programs.

Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs (CTI), Fisheries and Food Security


The Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) is centered on high-level political commitments and proactive implementation by governments of the Coral Triangle area, and supported by multilateral and bilateral agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private sector partners (development partners). The six countries have chosen to address-in partnership- the management, conservation and adaptation to climate change of the tuna fisheries and coral ecosystems in that region.