Tigers get a stimulus plan


NEW YORK, February 26, 2009 - The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), together with the World Bank and GEF, announced today a commitment of $2.8 million toward tiger conservation across its range. WCS will lead a new project, Tiger Futures, in partnership with other conservation organizations with long-term field experience in tiger conservation throughout countries spanning the big cat's geographical range in Asia.  


UN agencies, shipping corporations to tackle environmental threats

A Global Industry Alliance (GIA) was launched today at the Headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, to tackle the threats of marine bio-invasions caused by the transfer of alien plants and animals in ships’ ballast tanks. Ballast water is carried in cargo ships to provide needed stability. It is taken onboard at the start of every trip an unladen ship makes and then pumped out on arrival.

GEF Earth Fund Board holds inaugural meeting

The GEF Earth Fund Board, a private sector advisory group to the GEF Council designed to help international financial institutions strengthen the engagement of business in delivering global environmental benefits to the world’s most vulnerable, met today for the first time.

The members, which include top leaders from the banking, manufacturing and commodities sectors will be giving strategic guidance to the Global Environmental Facility, the world’s largest multilateral environmental fund on innovative financial investments aimed at building sustainable development.

5th Meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board

The 5th meeting of the Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) successfully concluded on March 27 2009 in Bonn. During the 5th Meeting, the Board has been able to complete its deliberations on the operational policies and guidelines for parties to access resources from the Adaptation Fund. It will take a final decision on these operational policies and guidelines before calling for funding proposal in the near future.

4th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention

4th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention

Geneva, Switzerland - from 4 to 8 May 2009

For the first time in the history of the COP, new chemicals will be considered for listing in the annexes of the Convention. A lively discussion is anticipated with nine new substances slated for scrutiny at the meeting. Other key issues are also high on the agenda.