GEF wins Harvard University environment award

The Global Environment Facility, the world’s largest public environment fund, was recognized with its partners for a path-breaking environmentally-sound transit project in Mexico City today.

Working with the Mexican government, the GEF together with a distinguished group of business, civil society and public institutions received the prestigious Roy Family Award for Environmental Partnership for its work to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions through a sustainable transport bus project called Metrobus.

GEF joins launch of S&P-IFC Carbon Efficient Index for emerging markets

The world’s largest public environment fund, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is joining with the IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Standard & Poor’s to launch the world’s first carbon efficient index for emerging markets. The partners predict their efforts could mobilize more than $1 billion for carbon-efficient companies over the next three years.

Coral Triangle: GEF commits $63 million

Ministers from the Solomon Islands and Indonesia - on behalf of the Coral Triangle countries - today called on world leaders to recognize and act upon the threat climate change poses to marine environments, particularly the adverse impacts on coral reefs, fisheries and food security. GEF has committed up to $63 million to support a program of action under the Coral Triangle Initiative.