Guangdong Agricultural Pollution Control

5452-P127815-P127775-2019-PIR-WB-China5452-Parent ISRPADRev Endorsement Doc - August_ISR-5452-P127815-Parent ISR
The proposed development objective is to reduce water pollutant releases from crop and livestock production in selected areas of Guangdong Province. This project is part of Guangdong’s efforts to achieve its agricultural pollution reduction targets required by the national and provincial 12th Five Year Plans on Environmental Protection. By improving environmental performance of Guangdong’s crop and livestock production sectors, this project will reduce land-based pollution from these sectors to the coastal and estuary ecosystems of the South China Sea.

Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Ea - Revised
The overall objective of the proposed Enabling Activities (EA) is to update and review the National Implementation Plan (NIP), and have it endorsed and submitted by the Government to the Stockholm Convention Conference of Parties (COP). Participating stakeholders will be able to manage the additional POPs with newly developed technical skills, expertise and awareness.

Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems to Improve Adaptation to Climate Change and Food Security in Lao PDR

CEO Endorsement Letter to CouncilGEFID5462_2021PIR_FAO_Lao PDR_RAPGEFID5462_2022PIR_FAO_LaoPDR_RAPGEFID5462_2023PIR_FAO_LAO PDRGEFID5462_MTR_FAO_LaoPDRGEFID5462_MTR_Management Response_FAO_LaoPDRGEFID5462_TER_FAO_Lao PDRGEFID5462_TT_MTR_FAO_LaoPDRPIF Document for WPIProject Document (for CEO Endorsement) (Rev)Request for CEO Endorsement (Rev)Review Sheet (PDF)_5462_2019PIR_FAO_Lao_PDR
To enhance monitoring, analysis, communication and use of agro-meteorological data and information for decision making in relation to agriculture and food security at national and provincial levels.

To improve monitoring and analysis of agricultural production systems by strengthening Land Resources Information Management System (LRIMS) and Agro-Ecological Zoning (AEZ) to support agriculture policies and adaptation to climate change in agriculture.