Community-Based Miombo Forest Management in South East Katanga

CEO End Req - revCouncil Notification LetterGEFID5547_2021PIR_FAO_DRC_RAFGEFID5547_2022PIR_FAO_DRC_RAFGEFID5547_2023PIR_FAO_DRCGEFID5547_CCM Tracking Tool_MTR_FAO_DRCPIF Document for WPIProject Document (for CEO Endorsement)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)_5547_2019PIR_FAO_DRC
1) To promote the sustainable management and restoration of miombo forest ecosystems in order to reduce carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; and
2) To improve the sustainability of livelihoods of local communities through the marketing of wood fuels and non-timbre forest products (NTFP) harvested from sustainably managed forests

Dynamic Conservation and Sustainable use of Agro-Biodiversity in Traditional Agro-ecosystems of the Philippines.

GEFID5549_2021PIR_FAO_Philippines_RAPGEFID5549_2022PIR_FAO_Philippines_RAPGEFID5549_2023PIR_FAO_PhilippinesGEFID5549_Management Response_FAO_PhilippinesGEFID5549_TER_FAO_PhilippinesGEFID5549_TER_TT_FAO_PhilippinesLetter to CouncilPIF Document for WPI (Revised)ProdocRequest for CEO endorsementReview SheetSTAP Review (PDF)_5549_2019PIR_FAO_Philippines
To enhance, expand and sustain the dynamic conservation practices that sustain globally significant agro-biodiversity in traditional agroecosystems of the Philippines
Objective indicator targets:
- Numbers of traditional varieties (rice, sweet potato, taro and yam) maintained at baseline levels in 17 target barangays(in 300ha of traditional farming systems)
- 5 additional traditional varieties grown in each of the 17 target barangays

Developing Core Capacity for MEA Implementation in Haiti

5557_2019_PIR_UNEP_Haiti CCCD5557_2021_PIR_UNEP_Haiti_MFACEO Approval DocumentPIF Document for WPIUNEP Project document
to enhance the capacities of Haiti's Government for environmental decision-making and implementation in line with national priorities, (with an emphasis on cross-sectoral issues such as coastal zone management and the protection of water sources and riverbanks).