National Biodiversity Planning to Support the Implementation of the CBD 2011-2020 Strategic Plan

EA Doc revReview Sheet (PDF)
To integrate Panama’s obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a renewed and participatory ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process, in a manner that is in line with the global guidance contained in the CBD’s Strategic Plan for 2011-2020.

Enabling Activities to Review and Update the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the Republic of Mali

EA - rev
The overall objective of the proposed Enabling Activities (EA) is to review and update the National Implementation Plan (NIP), and have it endorsed and submitted by the government to the Stockholm Convention Conference of Parties (COP). Participating stakeholders will be able to manage the additional POPs with newly developed technical skills, expertise and awareness.

Environmentally Sound Management of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) - Containing Equipment and Wastes and Upgrade of Technical Expertise in Bolivia

5646_2022_PIR_UNIDO_Bolivia5646_2023_PIR_UNIDO_Bolivia5646_2024_PIR_UNIDO_BoliviaProject Review SheetRequest for CEO MSP approval
To strengthen national capacities for the environmentally sound management (ESM) of PCBs, including disposal of up to 400 tones of PCB and related wastes and reduction / elimination of PCB releases from serviced electrical equipment at workshops and interim storage locations, to avoid cross contamination of electrical equipment and to protect human health and the environment

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low Carbon Island Development Strategy for Mauritius

07-12-16 MSP Approval Letter5649_2019_PIR_UNEP_Mauritius5649_PIR_UNEP_2024_Mauritius NAMACEO PIF approval RequestMSP Approval ReqPIR 2021 GEF ID 5649 Mauritius NAMA projectReview Sheet (PDF)
To ensure a low carbon path for the Mauritius, by establishing the national capacity for formulating and prioritizing nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs), particularly those found in “MID”, and further, develop the local capability to design and implement NAMA in the energy sector

Promotion of Clean and Green Cities in China Through International Cooperation

Project Review SheetRequest for CEO MSP approval
The objective of this project is to strengthen the enabling policy environment for promoting green low carbon urbanization adjusted to China's diverse ecological, social and economic context, and share lessons and models internationally.
This will be achieved through the assessment of the current policy tools and programs, the identification of areas of possible improvement, and through local studies and international cooperation propose policy tools and mechanisms adapted for three main types of cities in China.