GEF International Waters Learning Exchange and Resources Network IW LEARN

2019-GEF-PIR-PIMS5337-GEFID57294481_5337%20LME-IW_MTR_incl%20Annexes%20Final5729_2019_PIR_UNEP_IWLEARNCEO Endorsement Letter to CouncilESSPPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project Document (CEO Endorsement - Rev)Request for CEO EndorsementReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
To strengthen knowledge management capacity and promote scale-up learning of disseminated experiences, tools and methodologies for transboundary water management - across and beyond the GEF IW portfolio, together with a global network of partners - in order to improve the effectiveness of GEF IW and partner projects to deliver tangible results and scaled-up investments.

Sustainable Energy Financing Mechanism for Solar PV in Forest Villages in Turkey

Council NotificationPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Project DocumentProject Review SheetRequest for CEO EndorsementReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
This project will assist Turkey with the promotion and financing of on-grid village cooperative solar PV in forest villages with the goal of having at least 30 MW of installed capacity of grid-connected, cooperative solar PV in forest villages) by the end of the project, thereby leading to significant greenhouse gas emission reductions.