Environmentally Sound Management of Products and Wastes Containing POPs and Risks Associated with Their Final Disposal

10-05-17 Project Document PADCEO Endorsment RequestCouncil Notification LetterMTR (GEF 9079 / UNDP 5615)PIF Document for WPI (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
To minimize global impacts and risk to environment and to human health in Honduras, enhancing Environmentally Sound Management of POPs (both, original and new), by implementing PPPs, enforcing regulations and introducing institutional models to control new-POPs pesticides, PBDEs and PCBs disposal, unsound solid waste management and unsound management of Health Care Waste (HCW)

Preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the 2015 Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Request for CEO Approval
Nine countries prepare and submit intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) to the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Agreement and have institutional arrangements in place that support the INDC process