Cities-IAP: Asuncion Green City of the Americas – Pathways to Sustainability

2021-GEF-PIR-PIMS5188-GEFID9127Council notificationMTR (UNDP 5188 / GEF 9077)Request for CEO Endorsement - revisedproject document
Improve the quality of life in Asuncion and deliver multiple benefits through the integration of transport and solid waste management and green infrastructure into a framework for a sustainable and resilient city.

Eco-system Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in Eastern Indonesia (Fisheries Management Area (FMA)- 715, 717 & 718)

05-19-15 PPG Request Document9129 CFI Indonesia 4th PIR FY239129_5th PIR CFI EAFM_FY24 -WWF GEF9129_CFI_ 3rd PIR_FY22CEO endorsement request
Contribute to coastal fisheries in Indonesian FMAs 715, 717 and 718 by delivering sustainable environmental, social and economic benefits and demonstrating effective, integrated, sustainable and replicable models of coastal fisheries management characterized by good governance and effective incentives

Cities-IAP: Abidjan Integrated Sustainable Urban Planning and Management

Request for CEO Endorsement (rev)
To enhance local capacity to assess and respond to environmental degradation through the application of integrated sustainable urban planning and management methods while encouraging the uptake of innovative lower carbon technologies to reduce GHG emissions and improve air quality in the city of Abidjan