Combating poaching and the illegal wildlife trade in Tanzania through an integrated approach

ID9156 Council Notification LetterPIMS 5467_GEF 6 IWT Tanzania_ProDoc - FINAL RESUBMISSION 11Jul18PPG DocumentProject Appraisal DocumentReview Sheet (PDF)
To combat poaching and the illegal wildlife trade in Tanzania through an integrated approach .
(footnote 1) Integrated approach suggested by the project includes strengthening capacity of law enforcement agencies and involving of public and private sector to fight IWT, and development of CBWM, SLM and SFM by local communities to provide alternatives to poaching.

LCB-NREE: Nigeria Child Project: Comprehensive and Integrated Management of Natural Resources in Borno State

CEO Endorsement Request Document revised TRKCouncilLetterReview Sheet (PDF)
To maintain the provision of ecosystem services in Borno state by preserving agro- and forest ecosystems in a context of improved production, conservation and renewable energy to secure multiple environmental and socio-economic benefits