Sustainable Agriculture Landscape Project

9330 - P154696 -P157909-2019-PIR-WB-Madagascar9330-P154698-P157909-2021- PIR-WB-Madagascar9330-P157909-P154698-2022-MTR-WB-Madagascar9330-P157909-P154698-2023-PIR-WB-MadagascarData sheetGEF Data SheetPIDISDS rev - After PCNPIDSIDSReview Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)_ISR-9330-P157909-Parent ISR
Increase access to improved irrigation services and agricultural inputs and strengthen the integrated management of natural resources in the targeted landscapes by the local actors and, to provide immediate and effective response to an Eligible Crisis or Emergency.

Sixth Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Pakistan

PIF Document for WPI (Revised)PIF Review SheetRequest for CEO Endorsement - Rev
Enable community organizations in Pakistan to take collective action for adaptive management for socio-ecological resilience through design, implementation and evaluation of grant projects for global environmental benefits and sustainable development in key landscapes and rural/urban communities.