Strengthen the National Decision Making Mechanism to Ratify the Minamata Convention and Strengthen National Capacities for the Implementation of its Futures Provisions

EA request document final for submissioEndorsment LetterReview Sheet (PDF)
Undertake a Mercury Initial Assessment (MIA) to enable Morocco to assess Mercury releases, stocks, use and trade and determine institutional, policy, regulatory and capacity needs and measures to meet future obligations under the Convention, in order for the country to take an informed decision on ratifying the Minamata Convention.

Development of National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining in Paraguay

9350 - NAP Paraguay - Terminal Review EA Request DocumentReview Sheet (PDF)
Development of National Action Plans to reduce the use of mercury and mercury compounds in, and the emissions and releases to the environment of mercury from, artisanal and small-scale gold mining and processing is facilitated by the use of scientific and technical knowledge and tools by national stakeholders in Paraguay.