Promoting Low Carbon Urban Development in Bangladesh

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document5571_Promoting Low Carbon Urban Development in Bangladesh (002)_13_11_20195571_review sheet_PIMS 5571 Bangladesh_Response to GEFSEC _20191029_9368 FSP Circulation to Council Prior to Endorsement Annex D - Gender analysis and action planAnnex I - SESPCEO Endorsement/Approval DocumentDOE-Cofinancing letter-LCUD-28 June 2020Endorsement LetterFinal -PIMS 5571 Bangladesh PRODOC LCUD_13_11_2019GEF Letter to GEF_Sec_UNDP-Cofinance-LCUD_UR 280420Letter of Cooperation - BIPLetter of Cooperation-13 lettersPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PIMS 5571 Annex LOA DPCPIMS 5571 BGD LCUD Responses to GEFSec Comments _010520 (20200705 ow)PIMS 5571 Bangladesh PRODOC LCUD_20200331_MPSA_cleardPIMS 5571 Bangladesh PRODOC LCUD_20200428PIMS 5571 Bangladesh PRODOC LCUD_20200428-TA-AF-24 June (003)_UR_30 June_KS3Jul_7 July 2020_cleanPIMS 5571 Bangladesh PRODOC LCUD_27PIMS 5571 Bangladesh PRODOC LCUD_29PIMS 5571 Co-finance IDCOLPIMS 5571 Co-finance IDCOL 01PIMS 5571 LCUD Responses to GEFSec Comments _20200331_ cleanPIMS 5571 Promoting Low Carbon Urban Development in Bangladesh - Response to GEFSEC comments_28_04_2020PIMS 5571_CEO Endorsement Bangladesh_LCUD _20200331_PIMS 5571_CEO Endorsement Bangladesh_LCUD _20200428PIMS 5571_CEO Endorsement Bangladesh_LCUD _KS08072020PIMS 5571_CEO Endorsement Bangladesh_LCUD_23Project Review SheetReconfirm co-financingReconfirming the Co-financing BangladeshSREDA-Cofinnacing letter-LCUD-28 May 2020STAP Review (PDF)
To reduce GHG emissions by enabling investments in renewable energy and energy-efficiency to support urban development in Bangladesh

Managing Together: Integrating Community-centered, Ecosystem-based Approaches into Forestry, Agriculture and Tourism Sectors

Annex A_Multi Year Work Plan_21May2019Annex B_Core Indicators_v_21May2019Annex C Overview of Technical Consultancies_21May2019Annex C Overview of Technical Consultancies_revAnnex D 27Annex D Terms of Reference_RevAnnex E SESP_23May2019Annex F_Stakeholder and Partner Engagement PlansAnnex G _Gender Analysis and Action PlanAnnex H UNDP RIsk Log_23May2019Annex I_Micro Assessment of IUCNAnnex J _2_ Additional Agreement LOA between UNDP and the Government DPC_4Jul2019Annex J _2__Additional Agreement_LOA between UNDP and the Government DPC_21May2019Annex J _I__Additional Agreement_Co-financing LettersAnnex J_ ESMF Draft_23May 2019Annex K_Theory of Change Diagrams 1-8Annex L_Project landscape selectionAnnex M_National Policy Setting for the ProjectAnnex N_Tourism in the Project Landscape, and potential Project interventionsAnnex O_Relevant Laws-1Annex P_Agriculture in the Project Landscape and potential Project interventionsAnnex Q_Existing and proposed Protected Areas in the Project landscapeAnnex R_Profiles of the Project Landscape and each of the Trial LandscapesAnnex S_Proposed Focal Village Clusters in each Trial LandscapeAnnex T_Forest cover and potential forestry interventions in the Project LandscapeAnnex U_Endemic fauna of Project Landscapes with Global Threatened statusAnnex V_Administrative Structure of Sri LankaAnnex W_Greenhouse gas calculationsAnnex X_Human Wildlife Conflict and Wildlife Crime in the Project landscapeAnnex Y_Sustainable Tourism ScorecardAnnex Z1_Scorecard for Landscape Performance - Expanded Box 3Annex Z2_UNDP CD Scoredcard_Managing Together Project Sri Lanka_21May2019Annex Z_Scorecard for Landscape Performance - Expanded Box 3FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF Document for WPI (Revised)PIMS 5804 9372 GEFSEC Review 20Nov2019_6Dec2019_Response 3rd Re-submissionPIMS 5804 9372 UNDP_Response 4th Re-submission_21 Jan 2020PIMS 5804 Review Sheet 9Sept2019_Response 30Oct19 2nd Re-submissionPIMS 5804 Review sheet 17June2019_response dated 8Jul2019PIMS 5804_Managing Together_CEO_ER_6Dec2019_3rd Re-submission_BPIMS 5804_Managing Together_CEO_ER_6Dec2019_4th Re-submission_21 Jan 2020PIMS 5804_Managing Together_CEO_ER_Final 28 May 2019PIMS 5804_Managing Together_CEO_ER_Final_30Oct2019_2nd Re-submissionPIMS 5804_Managing Together_CEO_ER_Final_9Aug2019PIMS 5804_Managing Together_Prodoc_29Oct2019_2nd Re-submission_dtPIMS 5804_Managing Together_Prodoc_6Dec2019_3rd Re-submission_BPIMS 5804_Managing Together_Prodoc_6Dec2019_4th Re-submission_21 Jan 2020PIMS 5804_Managing Together_Prodoc_Final_27May2019Project Review SheetSTAP Review (PDF)
Strengthen protection of globally significant biodiversity through mainstreaming of conservation and sustainable practices into land use planning and sectoral decision making in forestry, agriculture and tourism sectors.