Application of Green Chemistry in Vietnam to Support Green Growth and Reduction in the Use and Release of POPs/Harmful Chemicals

07-14-17 MSP Approved LetterPIF Document for WPIProject Document PADProject Document and AnnexesProject Document for CEO Approval (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)TE (GEF 9379 / UNDP 5723)
The proposed project aims to create the enabling environment for the introduction of Green Chemistry in Viet Nam and introduce Green Chemistry applications in productive sectors with the purpose of reducing the use and release of chemicals controlled under MEAs. The project also expects to result in a reduction in the use and release of chemicals of concern not covered under MEAs, as well as improve energy and natural resource efficiency and generate Green House Gas (GHG) release reduction co-benefits in the sectors and industries supported by the project.

Sustainable Forest Management and Conservation Project in Central and South Benin

9383 - Benin - CEO End Ltr FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF Document for WPI (Revised)Review Sheet (PDF)STAP Review (PDF)
To promote socially and environmentally sustainable forest management in central and south Benin by improving forest and land management to preserve forest cover, prevent biodiversity loss, and monitor carbon stocks and emissions.