Strengthening the integral and sustainable management of biodiversity and forests by indigenous peoples and local communities in fragile ecosystems of the dry forests of the Bolivia Chaco

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
Expand and internalize the Integrated and Sustainable Management of Biodiversity and Forests (ISMBF) in integral territorial planning, through the strengthening of governance for its implementation and monitoring, and thus increase the resilience of life systems (livelihoods) in fragile ecosystems of dry forests in the Bolivian Chaco region and advance towards Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).

Establishing a circular economy framework for the plastics sector in Ghana

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To strengthen the national capacity of Ghana to transition to a circular economy framework that addresses plastic leak-age into the country’s oceans and waterways, facilitates sustainable plastics management through operationalising the National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP-GPAP) and the National Plastic Management Policy (NPMP; and ultimately ends marine plastic pollution and reduces the unintentional emissions of POPs (u-POPs).

Mainstreaming biodiversity-based tourism in Thailand to support sustainable tourism development

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP review
To mainstream biodiversity conservation into tourism development and operations at national and local levels through policy integration and development of an integrated model for biodiversity-based tourism.