Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu – Phase II (VCAP II)

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIFSTAP Review
To improve the resilience of the vulnerable areas and communities therein to the impacts of climate change through the conservation of biodiversity and natural ecosystems and the implementation of integrated approaches to sustain livelihoods, food production and ensure biodiversity conservation and reduce land degradation.

Building resilience through sustainable land management and climate change adaptation in Dodoma

10418 STAP ReviewCEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet DocumentFSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIF
To demonstrate an integrated approach for reducing pressures on the city’s critical infrastructure, environmental and urban assets and increasing the city’s climate resilience through integrated urban development planning for climate change adaptation and sustainable land management

Environmentally sound management of PCBs, Mercury and other toxic chemicals in Peru

CEO Endorsement/Approval Review Sheet Document10419FSP CEO endorsement documentGEFSEC ReviewPIFTOC
To minimize the risk of Polychlorinated Byphenyl (PCBs), mercury and other toxic chemicals exposure of human beings and environment to advance the Minamata and Stockholm Conventions, through environmentally sound management in Peru.